
Exposé on Clement Ashia: The Man Behind Teshie TV's Propaganda and Blackmail Tactics


In recent weeks, Clement Ashia has emerged as a controversial figure in Teshie, gaining notoriety for his aggressive dissemination of propaganda and blackmail through his Facebook page, Teshie TV. Known for his videos and posts, Ashia has been vocal in his support for a self-acclaimed Family House chief, who he claims is his benefactor.

Ashia's activities have stirred significant unrest within the Teshie community. He has openly admitted in his latest videos that he relies on payments of 500 cedis or more from his paymaster to sustain his activities. His candid acknowledgment that he is "a nobody" who depends entirely on donations for his livelihood has only fueled further outrage. Ashia has stated unequivocally that as long as he continues to receive these payments, he has no qualms about engaging in his current activities.

The crux of Clement’s operation involves using Teshie TV as a platform for promoting his benefactor's agenda while simultaneously attempting to discredit and blackmail members of the community. His content is often laced with misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric aimed at swaying public opinion in favor of the so-called Family House chief. This manipulation has caused significant division within Teshie, leaving many residents feeling betrayed and exploited.

Teshie TV actions have drawn widespread condemnation from community leaders and residents alike. Many argue that his tactics are not only unethical but also dangerous, as they undermine trust and harmony within the community. The use of social media to spread propaganda and engage in blackmail is seen as a grave abuse of digital platforms meant for constructive dialogue and community building.

As the situation continues to unfold, there are growing calls for action against Ashia and his benefactor. The Teshie community is seeking to hold both accountable for their actions and to restore integrity and transparency in local affairs. It remains to be seen how this situation will develop, but for now, Clement Ashia's presence on Teshie TV remains a contentious issue, drawing scrutiny and concern from all corners of the community.

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