
Osɔfo Professor Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey-Npp Aspiring P.C For Odododioodoo

 MCDAN'S ELECTROCEM SAVED ADA-Osɔfo Professor  Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey Agbo.

The deafening drummings about the allegations that Songor had been sold; that Songor was being taken away from the people of Ada; that Songor was, at the time of the allegations, the livelihood source of Ada, were all a cacophonic display of cynicism, mischief, treachery and, above all, ignorance. Songor, actually,  had been a dead water body for decades of years.

 The Lagoon  got almost silted and turned into a dumping ground for all kinds of wastes like scattered pieces of rubbish and animals remains. Some Ada natives often got sick from environmental pollutants such as smelling dead animals. It was the biggest health concern because whenever it rained, the decomposed bodies of the dead animals leached from the Lagoon into the floods. 

The little portion of the water left, which was of no any economic significance, had little life left in it. The tiniest part of the Songor water body became a crowded point of the survival of the fitters.

From the traditional leaders, politicians,  opinion leaders to the ordinary citizens of Ada,  nobody, in fact, nobody seemed  to have an idea as to why Songor  was almost dead and how it could be resuscitated.  By the year 2013, the Zanor stream, which used to come through Battor, Aveyime, Sege, Agbedrafo, Bonikope, Toflokpo, among others, and which were keeping  the Songor  alive had sadly gone home, completely dried up.

And everybody  seemed to have thrown their hands up in despair helplessly waiting for the last drop of water to be taken away by silting.  Besides, fishing in the lagoon was impossible because all forms of activities (as mentioned above ) poisonous to aquatic life were happening  inside and around the lagoon.

But for the timely and godly intervention of Electrochem Ghana Limited and by the able leadership of Dr. Daniel Nii Nshia McKorley who was enstooled as Ada's Development Chief, with the Stool name  Nene Kabu Koranteng l, Songor today would have been like a swathe or a silted expanse of desolate and fruitless land. By and large,  the experts of Electrochem were able to design a master plan towards reviving and restoring Songor to its natural ecological state.

Since it was going to be a herculean task to instantly fill the dead Songor with water, Electrochem workmen  cleaned the shattered Sorgon of  debris. The experts decided to embark on that task progressively.

Thus, in the Songor, a kind of water divide was created, namely India,  Pacific  and Atlantic. Currently,  India has been successfully filled with  water and aquatic life restored. Thankfully,  the neighbouring residents have already and aggressively begun fishing for their livelihood. Really, they have profoundly expressed their excitement and gratitude to Electrochem for making Songor an economic hub again for the people of Ada.

The truth is, the situation is going to

get better by the time the entire expanse of Songor will be completely restored. Pacific is the next in line to be filled with water. Its completion means bigger space for fishing and better economic prospects for the people of Ada.

Thanks to Electrochem and Nene Kabu Koranteng l (McDAN), Songor is alive again.

Osɔfo Professor Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey

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