Facts over Fiction!
Does Charles Nii Armah Mensah actually deserve 80,000 pounds?? Offcourse he does! Why not?? An artiste of his calibre regardless of his rants and positions on issues nevertheless deserves even more than that. Globally we can all attest to the fact he is one of the artiste with a huge fun base exceeding a million plus followers. So let's give him the accolades he deserves.
Now will an awards scheme in the diaspora at this point in time be able to pay an artiste this amount?? Well that is left to the organizers of these awards in the diaspora or even in Ghana to attest to.
Nii as we all know goes out of his way just like some few artistes to support awards scheme and organizers in the disapora to gain the traction they need to remain relevant.
My take on this whole issue surrounding Wale is pretty simple. If most of the artistes in Ghana will go out of their way to do what Shatta is doing for some event organizers in the diaspora I think our industry as we want it, will achieve the milestone we are all anticipating.
Organizers in the diaspora and even Ghana complain artistes do not help in promoting events when they are billed. Now this is a clear example of what we have been praying for! Wale has done it for an organiser in UK, what about the rest, what are they also doing to bring in the numbers to our events?? To the few goro boys around these awards schemes in the diaspora, stop pitching heads of these institutions against each other for your parochial interest. You guys are the ONES derailing us. You are the core reasons why there is no unity among organizers in the diaspora.
Do not think malining the reputation of others to gain favors will forever remain the same! One day the truth shall be uncovered and everyone will know who you truly are. INSULTS, backstabbing and backbiting won't grow our industry PERIOD.